[Django REST framework]Quickstart
QuickstartProject setup# Create the project directory cd tutorial # Create a virtualenv to isolate our package dependencies locally source env/bin/activate # On Windows use `env\Scripts\activate` # Install Django and Django REST framework into the virtualenv pip install djangorestframework # Set up a new project with a single application cd tutorial cd .. python manage.py migrate python manage.p..
[django] 개발 과정.
원본 : https://www.inflearn.com/course-status-2/ 프로젝트 & app 생성django-admin startproject tutorials .python manage.py startapp community 디렉토리 구조 확인manage.pytutorials/community/ 관리자 페이지 확인auth, admin 기본 데이터베이스 생성python manage.py migrate슈퍼유저 생성(통상은 admin)python manage.py createsuperuser웹서버 실행(default : manage.py runserver접속 확인http://localhost:8000http://localhost:8000/admin/setti..
python3 default alias
Safer, alias-creating method However, what you can do, is create an alias for your personal use. This can be accomplished easily by adding the following line: alias python=python3or alias python=/usr/bin/python3/in the ~/.bash_aliases file - which you can edit via sudo nano ~/.bash_aliases. Then, close and reopen the terminal and you should be able to use the python command for your own personal..
virtualenv 활용.
phpdoumi@phpdoumi:~$ sudo apt-get install virtualenvphpdoumi@phpdoumi:~$ mkdir aptanaphpdoumi@phpdoumi:~$ cd aptanaphpdoumi@phpdoumi:~/aptana$ mkdir testprojectphpdoumi@phpdoumi:~/aptana$ cd testprojectphpdoumi@phpdoumi:~/aptana/testproject$ virtualenv venvphpdoumi@phpdoumi:~/aptana/testproject$ . venv/bin/activate(venv) testproject$ pip install django(venv)phpdoumi@phpdoumi:~/aptana/testproject..